

Anoxia is a lack of oxygen being delivered to an individual’s body. Impaired breathing, decreased respirations and insufficient blood flow can reduce the oxygen supply and elicit anoxia. Numerous medical malpractice scenarios can cause oxygen deprivation significant enough to result in brain damage. For example, the failure to adequately diagnose a medical condition, such as cardiac arrest, bradycardia or internal bleeding, can reduce blood flow to the brain and unnecessarily delay treatment. The delay can lead to an otherwise, preventable brain injury. Anesthesia errors, such as a failure of patient monitoring or excessive medication, can lead to brain damage. Our New York Injury Lawyer team at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC has found oxygen deprivation can lead to permanent brain damage within four minutes.

Brain damage resulting from anoxia varies with the length and extent of oxygen reduction. The knowledgeable New York Anoxia Lawyer group at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC agrees that memory loss is a common problem associated with anoxia induced brain injury, along with:

  • Loss of coordination
  • Reduced executive function
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Depression
  • Neurological Impairment

At times, anoxia results from labor and delivery negligence. A disruption of the oxygen supply during the birthing process can arise from numerous complications, such as a trapped umbilical cord, sudden blood loss, sudden drop in blood pressure or excessive use of labor drugs. Anoxia at birth can lead to mental delay, physical disability, blindness, brain injury, cerebral palsy or death. It can also elicit prenatal asphyxia, which can cause cardiac arrest and death. According to our New York Anoxia Lawyer group, one out of every five hundred premature infants suffers from prenatal asphyxia.

Anoxia treatment is limited. Recovery is dependent upon the level of injury and could take years. Rehabilitation may be utilized including physical, speech and neuropsychological therapy.

Depending on the severity, anoxic brain injury can have devastating consequences. Many times the injury prevents the return to work or normal, everyday life. The financial hardship and family disruption will often induce undue stress and strain. The legal and medical issues involved in anoxic brain injury claims are complex. It is necessary to consult with an attorney to understand and protect your legal rights. Your lawyer will retain experts, such as neurologists, neuropsychologists and radiologists, to review your medical records, evaluate the level of injury and determine the mechanism of injury in order to prove liability. If you are suffering an injury resulting from anoxia due to medical malpractice, the aggressive New York Anoxia Attorney staff at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC will fight for the monetary compensation you deserve.

If you or someone you love is suffering from anoxia, contact our New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer team with Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC for a free initial case evaluation. Please call us at 800.696.9529, online or contact an office in Nassau County or Suffolk County in Long Island or one our offices in New York City including Manhattan, the Bronx, Staten Island, Queens or Brooklyn.